Singing Guide: Michael Murphey

Singing Guide: Michael Murphey

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning How to Sing Like Michael Murphey

Michael Murphey is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist known for his "western music" and country-pop sound. He has been in the music industry for over 50 years and has composed numerous timeless classics. In this article, we will show you how to sing like Michael Murphey.

Michael Murphey’s Vocal Technique

Michael Murphey's unique vocal technique is characterized by smooth and melodic singing, coupled with a twangy western style. His voice is basically baritone. He tends to incorporate yodeling pitches in his songs, just as Roy Rogers did in his famous renditions.

To sing like Michael Murphey, it is essential to master his singing style, which requires excellent breath support and control. One of the most important techniques he uses is coordinated singing. This technique allows him to make seamless transitions from one pitch to another, making his singing sound more fluid.

To achieve Murphey's vocal style, follow the recommendations below:

  1. Breath Support: Begin by learning how to breathe properly. Check out Singing Carrot's blog on breathing basics for a helpful guide.
  2. Vocal Registers: Understand how to mix different vocal registers. Check out Singing Carrot's video on mixed voice to learn more.
  3. Yodeling Technique: Listen to and imitate Michael Murphey's yodeling technique. Try starting with a song like "Wildfire."
  4. Vocal Health: Ensure that your vocal cords are in top shape. Singing Carrots has important insights on preventing vocal damage.
  5. Mic Technique: Practice mic technique when singing. Michael Murphey is skilled in controlling the microphone distance as he sings in his signature style.

Songs Showcasing Michael Murphey’s Vocal Style

Below are some popular songs by Michael Murphey that showcase his vocal style:

  • Wildfire
  • Carolina In The Pines
  • Cherokee Fiddle
  • What's Forever For
  • Long Line Of Love

Singing Carrots Tools

Singing Carrot's platform is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to sing like Michael Murphey. Here are some tools to help you improve your singing skills:


Learning how to sing like Michael Murphey requires dedication, hard work, and excellent breath support. Start by understanding his unique vocal style and working on your breath control and coordination. Listen to and copy his songs and master his skills, yodeling, and seamless transition between pitches. With Singing Carrots' resources, you can begin your journey towards mastering Michael Murphey's vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.